Friday, July 22, 2011

Life Lesson: #516020

So this week was TONS better than last week. I got approved to start an alternate schedule, every other Friday off…YES! My manager volunteered to mentor me more to help me move along in my career (and I got a glowing interim review, cause I’m awesome and God is GREAT!). And I think I found a trainer, she’s so perky and awesome. Yes this week definitely trumps last week. But in order for me to be so thankful for this week I realize that last week had to happen. So in retrospect I am thankful for the hardships of last week.

While in the trenches it's hard to be thankful or see the light at the end of the tunnel. But that’s not a new issue, I think we all struggle with these type of doubt. I recently finished reading 1st and 2nd Kings. I have to say they have some of the best stories in the bible in those books. Tales of kings and queens, the lavish lifestyles, and of course the downfalls of empires. It’s better than most novels I’ve read and even better cause it’s real life events. What stuck out to me the most was reading about Elijah and Elisha. Now two of my favorite prophets from the times of old. These men were in true communion with God. They believed in the power that the Lord had given them. They spiritual balance they possessed is awe-inspiring to me. Elijah stopped the rain (1 Kings 17:1), a dead man fell on Elisha’s bones and was revived (2 Kings 13:21)…the power these men had because of their faithfulness and relationship with God makes me excited. It excites me because I know it’s still possible I believe in that power, I want that power.

While I know it’s possible I find myself stunted because so many times I doubt my ability fully. I don’t want to say or do the wrong thing. I don’t know if my course of action is the BEST course of action. It’s like being afraid to die and afraid to live. It’s almost like I think I’ll make a mistake, but I have to know that God is still in control no matter what. I have started to really and truly realize if you are faithful to God, he’ll be faithful to you. Hands down.

Friday, July 15, 2011

So until then I stay encouraged...

It has been a long week. My mental strength and (somewhat…lol) optimistic attitude have been tested. If I didn’t think it would be too emotional draining I would give a blow by blow. In a nutshell…I got cursed out by someone at work, I’m realized I’m involved in some toxic relationships, my career goals may be unrealistic (when it comes to my mental sanity)…just to name few. But honestly I am still thankful. I am thankful for the weekend and the rest it will hopefully bring. The dawning of a new day and soon a new week. I am thankful for God’s faithfulness and His fulfillment of His will in my life. It hasn’t come yet, but I am thankful and excited for it. I’ve even adopted a new motto: God is great even when life is not good.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Testing with Google+

I just wanted to test this and see if it would update in Google+. I am a bit nervous about sharing my blog with everyone, mainly because people have so much of an opinion about what I should write about and how I should write. But if you are confused about your opinion about my blog please defer to the March 28, 2011 post. J

Friday, July 08, 2011

A Shelter in the Time of Storm

I’m sure most Christians are familiar with the story of the tower of Babel found in Genesis 11:1-9. After the flood the people were scared that God might decide to try and destroy them again, so they decided to take some action. What’s important to note is that God had already promised Noah no more floods, but I guess they dismissed that point (He promised fire next time…hope that junk was fire proof). Anywho  the people started building this tower that would reach ‘the heavens’ so that if God did change His mind, they would be safe up there with Him. Of course, God wasn’t going to let that happen, so he confused theirs languages so they were no longer able to communicate. Personally I think destroying the tower would have brought me more satisfaction, but God and His  grace and mercy. So the people were unable to continue building and thus went their separate ways with those with like languages.

So as most of the world knows we’ve been having some terrifying weather…tsunamis, earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes... In April we had a wave of storms here that left Huntsville in the dark for almost a week. So recently with all the rebuilding people have been trying to take more caution, and have more storm prepared houses and businesses. For instance, my boss is upgrading his house to be completely run on gas in case of emergencies, the secretaries from two departments were discussing their new storm shelters being built (there are nothing but reinforced cement rooms), and there is even talk of understand bunkers starting to take shape (you can having part in one for a couple of G’s) underground. People are spending thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands to be safe from acts of nature. If only it were that simple.

I understand there are lessons to be learned after the storm. And I did not take those lessons lightly. I mapped out a plan of safety of where to go in my house. I will remember to grab my wallet and important documents and seal them in a plastic bag and if need be attach them to my person. I should have fresh batteries, candles, flashlights, bottled water and canned goods. But my even the most prepared person is still never ready for the biggest storm. After the storm while driving around I saw several cement telephone poles on the ground snapped like twigs. That was a sign to me that there was no running or real safety here on this earth. My safety here cannot be bought or built with cement. There is nothing that keeps me from day to day except God’s grace and mercy. That is the only thing I have that I can rely on especially in times of the storms, and that cost nothing.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Book Review - Jezebel by Jacquelin Thomas

OK so my one book a week goal is just…smh…I finished  my second book this week. Yet another Jacquelin Thomas book. I’m going to stay away from her a while. I love her books mainly because of the biblical principles they force me to acknowledge. And I must at admit every book I have read from her gets me thinking more and more about my spirituality. It reminds that God’s original purpose for the bible was to give us insight. Insight into his mercy and grace, insight into examples that show us how to live, and ways that displease God.

This particular book is modeled after the story of Jezebel, found in 1st and 2nd Kings. To be totally honest I don’t think I’ve ever read the story of Jezebel in its entirety, I know that basic gist. But what I do know about Jezebel her name has never been synonymous with anything endearing. She was a conniving woman whom God punished with a  harsh death. No need to elaborate on that much further.

This story is about Jessie Belle a sweet southern Belle who has big dreams of moving out of her small town on to bigger and better things. She is able to do this with the help of her new husband. However, the more Jessie gets the more she wants. She seems insatiable for material wealth and prestige. In the end she gets what she wants, but not without a price. The story of Jessie Belle is similar to any and every one who has even wanted more when what they had was enough.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Book Review - Samson by Jacquelin Thomas

So true to my word…I stopped by the Library and picked up a few books. I thought getting four was a bit ambitious but I have already finished one, so maybe not.

I have finished Samson by Jaquelin Thomas. I did a book review on two other books I have read of hers… Book Review - The Ideal Wife by Jacquelin Thomas  and  Book Review - Redemption by Jacquelin Thomas. She is a wonderful author/storytelling who is able to transform biblical stories into modern tales with the lessons they were intended to have in the bible.

Most people know the story of Samson, it is story of lust, passion and misguided ministry. The story of Samson can be found in Judges 13 – 16. When you are first introduced to Samson in the bible you immediate know how great his calling is. You understand the purpose the Lord had for him. He is destined to be great. However, it is Samson’s desire of lust and passion that stunt his greatness. They cripple his talent and cause him to fall prey to the desires of the world. I believe that Samson’s internal struggle coupled with his desire to do right and his human weakness caused his ultimate demise. Our actions all come with consequences. Some are visible like Samson’s blindness, but some are hidden only scarring us within. The wounds within sometimes take more of a toll on us than some physically injury. Although Samson chose to choose his own way the Lord was still able to use him. Although He wasn’t able to do so until Samson had let go of his desire for lust and passion and truly accepted his call. Samson’s blindness “open his eyes” and his heart to see and accept his true calling. Sometimes it take a little to get our attention and sometimes it takes a lot, but there are always red flags along the way.

In the book Samson is a handsome (6’4”, greenish grey eyes…) preacher who has a weaknesses for women. A weakness that also plagued his father and thus disrupted his early childhood. Yet, Samson believes that he can combat this weakness on his own. He allows his desire and lust to control him. He gets involved with the women and ultimately pays for it. His greed and selfishness cause a trail of bad interactions with those that cared for him the most. Throughout the book there are challenges that call Samson to be better and do better yet, foolishly he thinks he is in control. His lust and passion leads him down the road of destruction, however, like Samson, of old, he is able to redeem himself; but not before he has to deal with the harsh consequences of his actions.

This book made me realize that we all sin…and ultimately sin is sin. No sin is greater than another, this is shocking to most because somehow we feel justified when we can find a greater sin in someone else. You tell a white lie to get out of work…sin. You kill…sin. One might reap greater consequences, but neither is greater. It opened my eyes to the reality of lust and desire, and the danger of uncontained passion. Nothing wrong with any of these things as long as they are controlled and contained. The problem is we are rarely able to control and contain them as we think…”the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Never rely upon yourself for the answers because usually you are the one who got yourself in the mess anyway. And  ultimately “be sure your sins will find you out…” You can only hid behind your sins for so long before you are found out. This is a lesson best learned early to avoid continuously embarrassment. In the end though we are created with a purpose. God has destined all of us to be great, and it is His desire that we fulfill this purpose. However it is up to us to follow His calling for our lives and rest in his grace and mercy when we make mistakes. It is something that takes humiltity and faith, it is not an easy task, but a neccessary one for a content and joyous life .

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

On The Real

It’s been a while since I last blogged. I’ve taken a trip to Fort Lauderdale, the fourth of July has passed, and I deleted my twitter account. So here’s a brief recap of these happenings:

Went to Fort Lauderdale for a wedding. It was a beach wedding, my first ever. It started at 9 (well I was there at 9, started around 9:30), only lasted 20 mins at the most. Next, it was the cocktail hour which seemed like it lasted for hours, finally the reception which did not end until 2 in the afternoon. My biggest mistake was skipping breakfast thinking that we would at least eat by 11, so when it was 12 and I hadn’t eaten…it was not good. But all in all it was a nice experience, even spent a few extra days after hanging out in Fort Lauderdale. This made me realize I have to take a real (week long) vacation. I have sent a date (and a budget) for December *crosses fingers*.

This past weekend was fourth of July weekend. I did the bare minimum which was absolutely my intention. We spent all of Saturday hanging out. Sunday I drove to Nashville to see a friend from out of town who was visiting family. This was nice. I was super late, smh. I could have kicked myself I would have loved to spent more time hanging out. After that we didn’t do anything else. Monday was similar, went out for brunch and watched a movie then headed back home for…more movies! Lol. I kept hearing the fireworks and decided to check them out. My neighbors did it up! I got a good show in my pajamas. Even found some fireworks and sparklers (my favorite!) in the house that we lit up. I really wanted some picnic food and was hoping I would get invited to a BBQ, but maybe later. This is probably the most relaxing fourth I’ve had in a while. I appreciated it.

Like America Fourth of July weekend was a symbol of me asserting my independence. I finally deleted my twitter account. I’ve been wanting to do so for a while. Just kept making excuses about why I hadn’t…welp, the excuses stopped this weekend. I still haven’t regretted it, so I think it was a good decision. I deleted it in general because it reminded of things that I am hoping to forget. I enjoyed my time on there in the beginning. I am grateful for the people I got to know, very special people who hold a place in my heart.  Perhaps I’ll reconsider one day, but until then I’ll find something else to occupy my time. :-D

I think I’m going to read more…I think I am going to stop by the library and find a good book. I’m going to create a goal of a book a week. My personal challenge for the month of July, so look for book reviews (of at least four books…yikes!).