Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Brithday Joys

So next Wednesday is the big day, my birthday and entrance into my "late" twenties…LOL

I have no (big) plans, the only thing I really want is to be in someone's spa for at least an hour.

Last year I wanted to do something big because it was the big 25, but that was downgraded which in the end was much better. I appreciate my birthdays now more for the reflection I get to use them for. Last year was a year to remember not because of how great, but because of the all the lessons learned. Since then I believe I have truly done some major work on myself (inside and out). I am more content with the state of my life and how things are working out. I am more willing to accept the here and now instead of what could be. If I did nothing but lay in bed and around my house for my birthday I would be fine. Because ultimately a (paid) day off work is awesome by itself, and a blessing in the times we are living in. I am very blessed and I am taking note of that. The Lord has been working some major miracles and I am too thankful and delighted.

I have seen myself grow a lot this year. I have found my strength in areas of my life that I never thought I could. I have gained control over certain things in my life. I have reached goals I knew were possible, but had never tried. I have recognized weaknesses that I have that make me both empowered and fearful.

All this helps me realize the getting older does really help you get better.

So here’s to another year!

1 comment:

codemaker said...

Yay! \o/