Tuesday, October 25, 2005

"On the Real" My Favorite Pastimes

I love to read, it is my favorite pastime. Reading gives me the chance to take a break from reality. While reading I am in another world and I feel apart of that world. Of course will my hectic school schedule I don't always get the time to read like I want. However I have found a new pastime, writing. It is almost as good as reading (it is probably better). It gives you the chance to have control over a situation. It's like your own little world, you are the ultimate decider of what happens. Writing gives some (like me) the opportunity to express what I would not necessary say out loud. I just completed another short story. I wrote my first short story in 8th or 9th grade. I have also written a number of poems and essays. I am currently working on another short story and an assortment of other literary works. There is one particular one I am very proud of it has given me the chance to truly express myself. As I go back and read some of the things I write I am often encouraged. As a matter-of-fact I read something in one of my books to two of my friends and it shocked me at how they recieved it. Anyway back to my schoolwork until next time.

Friday, October 21, 2005

This is for you, You know who you are

To (Well you know) ,

What have you done to me?
You made me put pride aside.
I have realized that I must take the first step and make the first stride.
Opening up to you was the first step, surrendering to you came next.
Open... laying it out on the table, making myself readily available.
Open... to you and everything you were ready to give, you taught me a new way to live.
My emotions seem to run wild around you.
You make even old things brand new.
You help me see that you gain more open then you do close,
you made me realize with you anything goes.
With you I have so much to gain,
compared to you all other things seem vain.
I hid no longer behind my feelings.
Scared of exactly what the future holds.
I understand that for you I must break all molds.
Fear of rejection no longer hinders me.
I know exactly what is important to me.
Ready to explore and sieze the day,
ready to put myself out there and say all that I have to say.
Words will never fully express the way I feel inside my chest
but I will try to do my best.
Please don't give up on me, you see what others fail to see.
You know what others will never know.
You'll always and forever be the greatest gift given to me.

Love Always,

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

"Not Your Average Girl from the Video..."

"Not Your Average Girl from the Video..." this is part of the chorus to India.arie's song "Video." This and other empowering songs encourage women to embrace who they are and basically screw everyone who doesn't feel the same way. Of course it should not take a song to empower you to do this but every little thing helps. It is kind of ironic I would hear this song on the radio after dicussing some superifical issues with a friend. She was feeling a bit uneasy about approaching a guy because of the way she looks or acts (or doesn't look or act). This made me realize that maybe it's me but it seems as if sometimes women put out more and get less. Why is this? I mean it isn't enought that a girl is intelliegent, witty, has a wonderful personality, and can engage in delightful conversations with you. On top of all that she has to look like a supermodel (or something close to it). We [women] are consistently comparing ourselves to other women for a chance with a guy who wouldn't change if we paid him to. Why? Becuase we want to see what makes her "better than me" and we want him to "desire us." I mean I can't blame it all on men but sometimes some of them can play the devil's advocate. Women tend to be more accepting to men when it comes to a lot of things so why are men not equally as accepting? I don't know the answer but I do know we are all beautiful in our own way and if he can't accept that then he needs to "hit the road."

Well I gotta go (just had to vent for a minute). Nite, nite don't let the bed bugs bite. ;-)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Pride goes before the Fall

Have you ever learned a lesson for the second time and still failed? I finally found what I thought was a lesson in a experience I was in. After finding the lesson I was pretty proud of myself. I even told some of my friends about the lesson I had finally found in the experience. You see at first the lesson was hard to find but then it just kind of snuck up on me.
I am always try to find the lesson in any challenges that I face. Unfortunately in this situation I couldn't find the lesson so I decided that there was no lesson. But the other day it hit me like a pile of bricks and it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Feeling rather self-confident I started to share my lesson with others thinking that it was the end of the experience and the end of my lesson it had taught me. This was so not the case, just two days later after my new found revelation I was tested. I was tested to see if I had really learned my lesson and I hadn't. My pride was crushed I felt the weight of all those bricks back on my shoulders. This taught me another very important lesson that I have had to learn over and over again "pride goes before the fall." Remember there is a lesson for every situation but there is also a test. Study hard. ;-D

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Hi Raquel

Hola Raquel,

I am writing this just for you. I don't have a lot of time because it is very late and my eyes are slowly closing. But I just wanted you to know I will start back writing on this blog just for you to let you know what is going on in my life. So far everything is okay, I will expound later. But until then keep God first and me next (j/k). Have a good nite girl. Adios!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

"On the Real"

Okay so everything is pretty cool except the fact that I have major work to do. I mean I have assignments on top of assignments. When I look at what I have to do it seems almost virtually impossible. But after prioritizing I find that things get done, not only get done but sometimes get done faster. Anyway I am super tired and if I want at least 5 good hours I got to get to bed now. C'ya, nite nite ;-0