Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Maybe I Am Perfect

I am a month away from 25 and I have accomplished more than some accomplished before 35. I finished a BBA in Marketing, an Associates in Accouning, and a MBA…I been married for 1 1/2 and I own a home. I plan on waiting as long as I can and building up as much wealth as I can before I have kids…(Seriously people 3 - 5 years...maybe longer…it's not as long as it seems). Most of what I have wanted to accomplish I have…

I have both of my parents...I managed to get into a GREAT relationship without half of the BS that some people go through. (I determined early on that I would not take BS and I stuck to that even though it meant little to no dating in college…honestly even though at times I think I might have missed out in the grand scheme of things it's not worth it)…I also stuck to my vow to remain celibate until marriage (I couldn't handle the emotional strain that it puts on you I'm convinced)...I have a job (career...Jury's still out on that)…but it pays well and I live well…So from the unassuming (and maybe the assuming) eye… I'm Perfect! :)

*****************PAUSE FOR EFFECT******************

Of course I couldn't end there…I guess this is the time I would expose all my flaws that make me not perfect as people think and shock and amaze you as readers…Welp…here it goes…I am probably as straight laced as they come (kind of)…I have strayed very little from my goals and plans. Maybe I'm a prude *shrug* that's something I must face, but I'm not apologetic for it…I am what I wanted to become (sort of)...

So here's the big kicker (not really)…I'm not Perfect…not by a long stretch…as a matter of fact, perfect is relative…I did what I had to do to get the life I wanted…and frankly everyone has the same ability…I live a simple, somewhat prudish lifestyle…I could give you trite but true sayings like attitude determines altitude or happiness just like perfection is relative, decide and act…but I will say this…I am Blessed…plan and simple…and I acknowledge that daily…Perfection is in the hand's of the Creator…and my contentment lies in Him...

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