Friday, October 15, 2010

Here's how it goes....

Yikes! Why haven't I written in 9 days?! I've been trying to find healthy ways to occupy my time. Although I think I may now have my hand in too many cookie jars. I am in school again, when boredom gets the best of me…smh. Thankfully this semester is almost over. At the completion of the semester I will have 18 hours of master level management classes enough to teach management on a collegiate level. Next, I volunteered to tutor math. So I tutor Sunday, Monday and Wednesday. On on of my off days, Tuesday, I have class. My time in AYS, the youth service at church on Saturday afternoon, finally ended in September after 2 years . It's bittersweet, but it's on less thing that will take my time. So right now I have Thursday, Friday and Saturday to do some of what I want, but by then I am just trying to rest to catch up with everything else (i.e. homework, rest, cleaning). But I am not complaining cause earlier this year I will bored to death during the week, sort of. At this point the thing I find refuge in is the gym (hopefully going this much will pay off). That's my life in a nutshell right now…until next time...

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