Wednesday, June 15, 2011

On The Real

So sitting here listening to Nothing Left to Day by Mint Condition (I love 90's coming), love that song and realizing it’s my work anniversary. Four years…today I started. Looking back I was so excited to start my career and move up the corporate ladder. In actuality I had no idea what I wanted to do (still don’t, but I have a general idea). My first year was the worst, I learned some important lessons, but in general hated it. I felt like my time would be short-lived at the company. But four years later I in a position I can stomach daily. I like what I doing for the most time, I wish I had more flexible schedule (my boss is old school…). I also wish I was more advanced, but all in time.

My relationships in all aspects are evolving. I am excited about trimming the fat off. And some fun things are happening in my friends lives and I am excited to be included. I have also come to realize the good friends who know you and appreciate you are hard to come by. And at a certain point in your life you stop “making” friends, and choose them based on life circumstances: Where you work, where you live, who your kids play with and so on and so forth.

Otherwise, I am trucking along.. waiting for something BIG to happen. Kidding. I am enjoying and embracing life cause it reminds of how good God is!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on 4 years closer to retirement!