Thursday, March 30, 2006

"Bridling your...mind"

Guarding the avenues of your mind is very important. I don’t know how many of you remember the song, “oh be careful little eyes what you see…oh be careful little ears what you hear…” Anyway this song comes to mind after thinking about a conversation I had earlier in the library. While I was outside of class taking a breather I ran into this guy (we’re more than associates maybe less than friends). Well I started talking to him about different things and we got on the subject of listening to what other say (gossip). He was basically saying that he will listen to gossip but it stops at him because he doesn’t tell anyone else. Does that mean you don’t gossip?

What constitutes gossip? Is it only gossip when it is not true?

In my opinion gossip is anything that has nothing to do with you and it not of vital importance to you. If it is not about you then just leave it alone. Well in trying to convince him that he can always walk away from the conversation, I realized I am just as guilty. I will listen to things being said about people and do nothing. If you think by just listening no harm is done consider this: “By beholding you become changed.” You don’t have to even engage in the conversation to be changed. I guess it goes back to the old saying, “you are what you eat.” You are what you say to or what listen too.

Knowledge is power, and we could all use some power. {*L*}


Raquel said...

ok wise woman im with you. new challanges are good.

Krystle said...

Dang, Matt. Anyway J the only way to change to to realize when your faults admit them and work on them. Keep it up girl

Justwrite85 said...

No, with the love of knowledge for personal gain comes much sorrow

ゲームの皇帝 said...

yeah knowledge brings happiness and sorrow, think of Solomon! Solomon prayed for wisdom and knowledge what did it bring him? SO much sorrow, and it led him away from the Lord! But, we can't compare to that. >lol He was one of the greatest kings. But, I remember when I read ahead about a tv show online. I read about four seasons ahead. That is a lot of reading!!! I got so into what I was reading, I felt bad! Why? because what would be the point of watching what you know is going to happen? So, I prayed please let me forget everything that I read; and he did. So, it can bring happiness and sorrow. Happiness that you know, and sorrow for the outcome or what you find out too.
