Thursday, March 16, 2006


I rarely say, "I love you."
But, if I did…
IF I were the type
Inclined to such emotional eruptions
And vocal expression. . .
What would I say to you?
I would probably say
It’s been a long time since I’ve been in love
Or since I even thought I loved.
So long, in fact,
I’m not sure I know what love is, anymore--
Or if I ever really knew.
But, if I even thought I loved someone,
I think it would be you.

--NancySue Krenrich Hamm

What would we do without love? or the people who loved us...despite (whatever)? =)


Mel said...

yeah, i get it now. told ya i'll understand it when i read it. i dont know why i'm commenting now and i told u that i'm about to go to bed. all of the sudden i just got this burst of energy and thats great cuz i need to paint.

anyway, LOVE the poem and it sounds like....ummmmm.....well, it's just a nice poem. VERY meaningful... sounds like it meant a lot to u otherwise u wouldn't have posted it (right....?)

ok, i'm gone (and shivering, its too DANG GONE cold in these dorms!!!) keep doing what ur doing cuz ur an inspiration to me daily. sometimes i dont see how u do it, but i guess thats why God put u in my life just so i would see that its ok to be....ok and still content at the same time. i see strength where some may find weakness and i'm proud of u. i sometimes wish that i could have ur strength and will power.

thanx for the encouragement Jay....

this is TRULY indeed UR SEMESTER!!!!!
(only intended for very few to understand)

Raquel said...

well Jai, I think we'd be sad. Simplest way to put it, but its so darn accurate. Without love, life just seems so sad. And that's why God takes care of His own and blesses us with friends and lovers and family and special people to show love.

very insightful wise woman

Krystle said...

Wow. For a minute I thought I was reading Mel's page... I like to see this, continue to let your heart speak with only minimal input from your mind when necessary.

Raquel said...

oooh, snap snap to krystles comment. that was almost better than the blog!

ゲームの皇帝 said...

ahm hey, good post, it sounded happy, it gave the type of feel of happiness and we should all experience a feel to that extent in some day in our lifetime! This is to happiness! (Raises empty glass) one day our glass will be filled with happiness, till that day comes.... we'll sleep/ dream of that chance.

where did that come from?>lol must be somthing within me>lol

ゲームの皇帝 said...

and i was completely aware that it's your blog Jailyn, plus hey what's up again? >lol I wanted to write this cause I know your blogs name was different, but i used a blog name to fit my answer. yada yada, hope ya'll have a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that poem said it all! Jailyn you are so gifted and you have truly touched my life in a special way. i admire your courage and your ability to embrace life's adversities.continue to spread your wings. thank you for all the love you have shown me, you have truly been a blessing.

Justwrite85 said...

That anonymous is Jacquece.