Monday, June 13, 2005

I am what I am, and that is the best I can be

"I am what I am and that is the best I can be." -Jailyn

This statement holds more and more true to me everyday I live on. We seem to live in a world where the mask we use to cover our faces seem to be more like the real thing. We have gotten use to the mask and transformed ourselves into what someone else wants us to be. We do it for our mother, father, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc. But why? My philosophy has always been if the person is not willing to do the same for you then why do it for them. You see while your busy changing yourself for them, they are staying the same. This means just as they found something wrong with you the first time they will find something wrong with you again. I guess what I am trying to say is change isn't bad if the motives behind it are positive. Make sure the change is beneficial to you.

I was faced with a challenge the other day to accept something that happened to me a while ago. When the situation first presented itself I thought the end results were all my fault. And I was convinced that they were by the people involved. I tried to change and in the process almost lost sight of who I was. Soon I started to look at myself and what I had to offer. I decided that I had more offer than they had given me credit for. This made me realize that I was so much better than the situation and the people involved. I thought it had been my fault and had tried to change the situation by changing myself. This taught me a very important lesson things aren't always what they seem to be. And also hiding behind a mask will only cover you up for so long soon the real you is bound to come through. >)

1 comment:

Krystle said...

I see you've become quite the philosopher.